Author Interview: Amy J Hamilton

An interview with Amy J Hamilton by Becky Benishek, part of Navigating Indieworld’s Blog-Go-Round.

Author Becky Benishek

“Day returned to evaluating Rhea in a purely unprofessional manner. She was short, slender, but curvy–maybe–who could tell under the lab coat? Ok, so obviously lab personnel. Her dark hair was tied back in a high pony tail and her glasses didn’t seem to fit as she kept pushing them back on her nose. She wasn’t the stuff of his usual conquests, but there was something about her. Couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he wouldn’t mind the opportunity to try.” – Modified: Lunar Medical: Book 1, by Amy J Hamilton

Meet Author Amy J Hamilton!

AJH Amy J Hamilton

Amy J Hamilton is about 300 years old, writes erotica, hails from another planet, and is married with two teenage kids.

She has a house full of a variety of animals of the non-human nature: Tropical fish, a degu called Sam, a tortoise named Crunch, and a…

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SIAFBB presents the Spring Book Attack Weekend

Coming up, just tomorrow in fact, is the Spring Book Attack Weekend from the SIAFBB group on Goodreads, which I am part of. This is a regular event that takes place several times throughout the year and, as the banner above makes clear, it's an opportunity to get your hands on many free and discounted... Continue Reading →

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